
We encourage you to protest at will.  Gather some friends, make some signs, and stand in front of your preferred government building.  By protesting frequently, even if in small groups, we show them that we will not easily turn a blind eye.  We are watching their actions.  We are not with them.

Want to spam Elon?,, (send email anonymously)  These emails range from HR1 to HR20. Have fun!


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Walmart.  Purchase nothing from Walmart. #CorporateBoycott
  • Mar. 1st - DENALI: Stand Up For National Parks & Public Lands.  Denali, Caribou Entrance Sign.  Park at Riley Creek Day Use.  Bundle up, be prepared to walk and for outdoor weather.  12p-1p.  Nationwide day of action.
  • Mar. 1st - Town Hall with Senator Kawasaki and Representative Stapp.  11:15a-1:30p.  Pioneer Park Centennial Center.
  • Mar. 1st - Art of Resistance Meet Up.  If you are interested in being part of this art show, please join us.  ACRC at 1pm.
  • Mar. 2nd - Coffee with Senator Kawasaki.  9am to Noon.  Alaska Coffee Roasting Co.
  • Mar. 3rd - Pack The Offices.  Pack the offices is an in-persons congressional comment drive.  Don't antagonize the staff.  Go in, leave your comments at their offices, and leave.  Federal Building (101 12th Ave, Fairbanks).  3:30p-5p
  • Mar. 3rd - Survey for FNSB Comprehensive Plan.  Survey for public input into the Fairbanks Northstar Borough comprehensive plan process. This process happens only every 20 years, and is an opportunity to provide your views and values as to what you think Fairbanks should prioritize and what you think makes it special. The deadline is TODAY (Mar. 3rd).
  • Mar. 4th - 50501: Unite Against Oppression & Dictatorship! 4p-6p. Fairbanks City Hall. Protest.  Bring a friend. #fiftyfiftyone
  • Mar. 7th - Noon, nationwide.  Stand Up For Science! 1) Walk out of your lab, classroom, or office at noon.  2) Gather with others in a visible location—campus quads, courtyards, or administrative buildings can be great options. 3)Amplify your message—consider inviting faculty, researchers, or students to briefly speak about why science matters. A megaphone or simple printed statements can make a big impact! 4) Spread awareness—post photos, videos, and key messages using #StandUpForScience to show solidarity nationwide.
  • Mar. 8th - 11a-1p. Town Hall with Rep. Ashley Carrick at the Fairbanks LIO.
  • Mar. 8th - 3p-5p.  Meet and Greet with Rep. Ashley Carrick at Black Spruce Brewing Company
  • Mar. 9th - 10am-Noon.  Rep. Ashley Carrick, Community Coffee at Lulu's Bread and Bagels.
  • Mar. 15th - Full Economic Shutdown.  If you are willing to go the extra mile, you can withdraw your money from your bank and make zero purchases this day.  If you cannot, simply do an economic boycott and not purchase anything this day.
  • Mar. 15th - 10am-3pm.  Free training: How we fight for change and win - part 2.  Hosted by FCAC.
  • Mar. 22nd - SPEAK UP FAIRBANKS Rally and Walk.  2pm.  Noel Wien Library parking lot.


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Walmart & Disney.  Purchase nothing from Walmart. #CorporateBoycott


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Target.  Purchase nothing from Target. #CorporateBoycott
  • May 1st - Hometown General Worker Strike.  Do not go to work in demand of housing for all, healthcare for all, living wages for all, and justice for all. #MayStrike #Strike4Justice
  • May TBA - Clean Up Day.  Gather with people to help clean up Fairbanks.  Fuck litter!


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Target.  Purchase nothing from Target. #CorporateBoycott

  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Amazon.  Purchase nothing from Amazon. #CorporateBoycott
  • July 19th - 10am-2pm.  Golden Days Parade. Gather some people.  Make a float, register for the parade, and let your opinion be seen/heard.


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Amazon.  Purchase nothing from Amazon. #CorporateBoycott


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Walmart.  Purchase nothing from Walmart. #CorporateBoycott


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Target and Disney.  Purchase nothing from Target. #CorporateBoycott


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Walmart.  Purchase nothing from Walmart. #CorporateBoycott


  • Month long - Corporate Boycott: Walmart and Disney.  Purchase nothing from Walmart. #CorporateBoycott

Move to Wix

 I didn't think this would get as much attention as it has been getting, so I'm moving this over to Wix since it's just a little...